5 Fun Activities To Play With Your Kids While Camping
As new parents, we've all gone through it. As outdoors-men (women), we're used to going into nature to do our favorite activity. But once kids come into the picture, your solo adventure isn't the same, and it can be hard to incorporate your children into your outdoor trips. We've created a list of some of our favorite outdoor activities that are designed for children:
1. Scavenger Hunt: Kids love scavenger hunting, and nature is an ideal place to hold a scavenger hunt. Have each player gather things like pine cones, different types of leaves, shells, pine needles, etc. Before the game begins, talk about each item they're looking for and discuss it's origin and its importance in our ecosystem. Assign each player a buddy, or another player and designate a team name for each pair of players. Put a time frame on each item that is being searched and encourage them to use a watch to keep time. If you'd like to teach your kids about navigation, give them instructions on the use of a compass. The winners get first dibs on marshmallows and the unsuccessful group makes and serves the marshmallows at the fire that night. When you get home, have them glue their findings onto a board as a reminder of their last trip and the things they learned.
2. Rainy Day Explorers: You may have imagined an abundance of sunny days for your planned outdoors trip, but as the song goes, "You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather." Your now aced with mist, sprinkle, full scale rain or snow. On the off chance that conditions aren't excessively serious, stay put and enjoy the rain! Pack additional socks and a change of footwear for everybody. If you have them available, pack raincoats and elastic boots. Have fun jumping in puddles and strolling through forested areas (unless you're in company of lightning). When you return to the site, teach your children how to dry out clothes and keep warm in emergency situations. For example, you can teach your children the more important parts on the body to keep warm when facing hypothermia. You can also teach them small tricks, like using hand warmers to dry out shoes or GPS systems.
3. Get A Nature Manual: "When you're in nature, be interested in nature" says Tovah Paglaro, the David Suzuki Foundation's Queen of Green. "The children will love to take in the names and properties of the plants and creatures around you. You could even keep a log book and look at the changed normal finds in better places you visit." For additional outdoors motivation, hit up Pinterest (gleam stick ring hurl, anybody?). In case you're enjoying the great outdoors at a national stop, Parks Canada has a program for children called Xplorers that is incorporated with the consistent section expense. Kids get a booklet loaded with fun exercises. When they finish them, they get an official Xplorers testament and a collectible keepsake. Here is the website for Parks Canada.
4. Camping Olympics: This could stand out as one of the best time you've ever had with your family. Long hop should be possible on a sandy shoreline, transfer races in an open range, and swimming rivalries in the water. Get a rope and arrange a group tug-a-war. Keep the tone light and sort out recreations that more youthful children can appreciate as well, such as skipping stones. Use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about competition and being humble.
- Tags: The Outdoor Mom
- Caroline Mayou
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