Hand & Finger Stretches For Gamers

I'm sure you've read our first piece on the rise of eSports as a professional sport. As promised, we're here to give you some awesome pointers on how to stretch with the use of hand warmers before going into a game. Keep in mind, most of these stretches will be nothing new. However, the integration of hand warmers and the chronological order of the stretches absolutely will. As an extra tip, feel free to use a foot warmer as they often stay much warmer. Keep the foot or hand warmer in your pocket while you're playing so that they stay warm. So here we go:
1. About ten to twenty minutes before you're ready to play, take a two hand warmers out of their wrappers and put them in your pockets. Once the warmers are hot hold one hand warmer in each palm and make fists.
2. Hold said fists shut and clench your first in three second intervals. I.e. Clench for five, relax for five, clench for five again, repeat.
3. Stretch each individual finger back from the palm, and then apart from the finger next to it. Repeat on both hands with two sets of this stretch on each hand. Set the hand warmer in between fingers and hold it there for twenty seconds. Put an emphasis on the time you hold it against your thumb, as this will be your most important tool during your game.
4. Shake your wrists out by dangling them by your hands and moving side to side.
5. With your forearm extended in front of you, pull back on your wrists by pressing against the fingers gently. Do the opposite of this by pressing down on your fingers.
6. Every hour, repeat the first clenching exercise with the hand warmer and follow that up by massaging the inside of your palm using your finger. For extra therapy, place the hand warmer in the palm of your hand and massage using that.
- Caroline Mayou
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