Best Hunting Tips for an Outdoorsman

Every time you go out hunting is an opportunity to improve your technique. These hunting tips will help you reach the top of your game.
Mask Your Smell
Before you leave, make sure that animals will be unable to smell you. Use unscented soap when you shower and wash your hunting clothes in a scent-free detergent. Carry your clothing out to the field with you in a sealed bag containing leaves and dirt and put them on only when you are ready to start hunting. Bring an odor eliminator with you and make sure you add plenty to your hat and hair.
Use Tick Repellant
It is extremely important to use repellent in the summer and early fall when ticks are abundant. Some ticks carry bacteria that can make you too sick to continue hunting. Others transmit diseases can even be fatal.
Keep Your Gear Dry
In wet weather, you need to take extra care to ensure everything stays dry. Layer your clothing to protect yourself from the outdoor elements. Keep gear in ziplock bags to prevent them from becoming damp. Place electrical tape over the end of the barrel of your weapon. You can shoot right through the tape.
Staying warm during cold weather is important in preventing hypothermia. Pack warm and thick clothing, that will keep the cold weather out. Body, hand and foot warmers are also smart to pack.
Be Smart About Where You Park
If you are hunting in a remote area, you will need to park far away and hike out to a distant spot. However, if you are hunting near a constant flow of traffic, animals will be used to the sound of vehicles allowing you to park closer.
Always Move Slowly
One of the biggest failing points of hunters is the lack of patience. You need to move slowly at all times, stopping for regular periods of time. Decide in advance how long you will move and for how long you will stop — this will keep you disciplined. If you hear any noise, stop immediately and wait for your predetermined amount of time.
Maintain Your Sense of Direction
When wandering through the woods, it is easy to become lost, especially if you are stalking an animal in a circle. Use landmarks like distinctive trees, fences, and rocks to maintain your bearings.
Reduce the Weight of Your Kill
If you hunt a moose or an elk, it may be too heavy to move, unless you have a cart. You can reduce the weight by boning out the animal and then keeping the meat either in a cheesecloth (for a short time) or heavy-duty bags (for longer periods).
Store the Carcass Correctly
Dressing, skinning, and/or removing its feathers are only some of the first steps of cooling your wild game after a hunt. If you do bring back the entire animal carcass, hang it at least 3 feet from the ground in your shed or yard. Any lower and you may lose your meat to animals.
Cooking Your Game
When the result of your hunt is strong-flavored meat, you need to make it palatable. Try cooking with onion, garlic, soy sauce, and fresh ginger. The game always tastes good in a stir-fry.
Whether you’re an amateur or a pro, these hunting tips will give you a successful and enjoyable season.
- Caroline Mayou
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