
Fun Facts About The Moon 0
We've all been there- we think we're fairly educated... until our children come around with questions we simply don't know how to answer. We've created a fun little fact sheet about the moon for any future trips you might have with your children.
How far away is the moon?
When teaching your kids about the distance between Earth and the Moon, it's important to put the measurement into perspective. The best way to do this, is to show them by acting it out. For example, to show the distance of one kilometer, take a one kilometer walk with your child under the moon. When you've finished your walk and see that they're tired, tell them that the Moon is at an average distance of 384,400 kilometers. Put this distance into perspective by telling them you would have to walk the same distance you walked 384,400 times to reach the Moon. Let them know that this distance represents the width of 30 Earths put together. You can also take the time to explain to them that the Moon doesn't go around (orbit) Earth in a circle. It actually travels in a sort of elliptical orbit, which is what makes its distance vary. You can demonstrate this by walking in perfect circles vs. imperfect circles around you children.
What's the temperature like on the moon?
When discussing the temperature on the Moon, just like distance, you want to create perspective for your children. You can do this by explaining the temperature it currently is outside to draw a comparison to the Moon. This is also a great way to show your children how to use a thermometer. The average temperature on the Moon varies from -298 degrees Fahrenheit, at night, to 224 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. You can also explain to your children that while the Earth has an atmosphere that can block some of the Sun's rays or help trap heat at night, the Moon does not. This is why the temperature varies so much on the Moon.
How much would I weight on the Moon?
On the moon, a person usually weights six times less than they do here on Earth (for those of you reading this article on Mars, my apologies). The Moon, has one sixth the gravity of Earth. However, the Moon still exerts a gravitational force on things... just less force because it's just got less things. This is also what allowed the astronauts to be able to jump around and move quickly on the Moon. It also led them to have trouble standing upright because according to ;Journal PLOS ONE; humans need at least 15 percent of the level of gravity found on Earth in order to orient themselves. Have your child stand on two bigger pine cones and try standing completely upright. Chances are, they will try to bend their legs or topple over because of the instability involved. This will give them an idea of what it's like to stand on the Moon.
- Caroline Mayou

5 Fun Activities To Play With Your Kids While Camping 0
As new parents, we've all gone through it. As outdoors-men (women), we're used to going into nature to do our favorite activity. But once kids come into the picture, your solo adventure isn't the same, and it can be hard to incorporate your children into your outdoor trips. We've created a list of some of our favorite outdoor activities that are designed for children:
1. Scavenger Hunt: Kids love scavenger hunting, and nature is an ideal place to hold a scavenger hunt. Have each player gather things like pine cones, different types of leaves, shells, pine needles, etc. Before the game begins, talk about each item they're looking for and discuss it's origin and its importance in our ecosystem. Assign each player a buddy, or another player and designate a team name for each pair of players. Put a time frame on each item that is being searched and encourage them to use a watch to keep time. If you'd like to teach your kids about navigation, give them instructions on the use of a compass. The winners get first dibs on marshmallows and the unsuccessful group makes and serves the marshmallows at the fire that night. When you get home, have them glue their findings onto a board as a reminder of their last trip and the things they learned.
2. Rainy Day Explorers: You may have imagined an abundance of sunny days for your planned outdoors trip, but as the song goes, "You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather." Your now aced with mist, sprinkle, full scale rain or snow. On the off chance that conditions aren't excessively serious, stay put and enjoy the rain! Pack additional socks and a change of footwear for everybody. If you have them available, pack raincoats and elastic boots. Have fun jumping in puddles and strolling through forested areas (unless you're in company of lightning). When you return to the site, teach your children how to dry out clothes and keep warm in emergency situations. For example, you can teach your children the more important parts on the body to keep warm when facing hypothermia. You can also teach them small tricks, like using hand warmers to dry out shoes or GPS systems.
3. Get A Nature Manual: "When you're in nature, be interested in nature" says Tovah Paglaro, the David Suzuki Foundation's Queen of Green. "The children will love to take in the names and properties of the plants and creatures around you. You could even keep a log book and look at the changed normal finds in better places you visit." For additional outdoors motivation, hit up Pinterest (gleam stick ring hurl, anybody?). In case you're enjoying the great outdoors at a national stop, Parks Canada has a program for children called Xplorers that is incorporated with the consistent section expense. Kids get a booklet loaded with fun exercises. When they finish them, they get an official Xplorers testament and a collectible keepsake. Here is the website for Parks Canada.
4. Camping Olympics: This could stand out as one of the best time you've ever had with your family. Long hop should be possible on a sandy shoreline, transfer races in an open range, and swimming rivalries in the water. Get a rope and arrange a group tug-a-war. Keep the tone light and sort out recreations that more youthful children can appreciate as well, such as skipping stones. Use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about competition and being humble.
- Caroline Mayou
- Tags: The Outdoor Mom

Relieving The Symptoms of Reynaud's Disease 0
Raynaud's disease is an uncommon disorder of the blood vessels, usually affecting fingers and toes. The blood vessels narrow down when a person is exposed to cold or stress. When this happens, blood cannot get to the surface of the skin and the affected areas turn white and blue. When the blood flow returns afterwards, the skin turns red and tingles or throbs. In severe cases, loss of blood flow can cause the tissues to die.
Primary, Raynaud's happens on its own. The cause is unknown. There is also secondary Raynaud's, which is caused by injuries, other diseases, or side effects from using certain medicines.
People in colder climates are more likely to develop Raynaud's. It is also more common in women, people with a family history of the disease, and those over the age of 30.
Treatment for Raynaud's may include drugs to keep the blood vessels open. There are also simple and more organic things you can do yourself, such as
- Soaking hands in warm water at the first sign of an attack
- Keeping your hands and feet warm in cold weather with apparel
- Avoiding triggers, such as certain medicines and stress
- Using hand warmers
A long instance of unattended Raynaud's disease can cause necrosis, gangrene, and even amputation. So immediate prevention can be taken by trying motion (for example moving arms in the air until circulation returns) instead of just rubbing the hands vigorously or banging the hands against hard surface which in turn can damage the blood vessels. Disposable hand warmers when activated can stay warm for up to 10 hours. You can also put a body warmer under your covers which will release heat for up to 24 hours. These warmers stop the cold and the pain so that the individual can continue to work as normal. These warmers can be used by the people suffering from Reynaud's disease.
Twelve patients with Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) due to systemic sclerosis (SS) warmed their hands for 5 min in hot water every 4 hours throughout the day during alternate weeks of a six-week study. There was a statistically significant decrease in the number and duration of Raynaud's attacks in the weeks in which warming was performed compared with the intervening weeks. An increase in blood flow as measured by lazer-Doppler flow metry accompanied clinical improvement. Simple hand warming appears to be effective in the management of RP in patients with SS.
Ninety five percent of patients with systemic sclerosis (SS) suffer from Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) at some stage of their illness. Many vasodilatory drugs have been used to treat this condition. These include reserpine/ guanethidine, and most recently the calcium channel blocking drug, nifedipine. All of these agents produce some symptomatic improvement, though less in SS than in primary RP. However, clinical improvement is associated with little improvement in blood flow,'' possibly because all of these agents produce a fall in blood pressure, and there is evidence that finger blood flow in SS may be primarily determined by the arterial pressure. We have recently demonstrated the vasodilatory effect of simple hand warming in patients SS, and present here the results of an open investigation of the effect of simple hand warming on the frequency and duration of RP in 12 patients with SS.
- Caroline Mayou

Hand & Finger Stretches For Gamers 0
I'm sure you've read our first piece on the rise of eSports as a professional sport. As promised, we're here to give you some awesome pointers on how to stretch with the use of hand warmers before going into a game. Keep in mind, most of these stretches will be nothing new. However, the integration of hand warmers and the chronological order of the stretches absolutely will. As an extra tip, feel free to use a foot warmer as they often stay much warmer. Keep the foot or hand warmer in your pocket while you're playing so that they stay warm. So here we go:
1. About ten to twenty minutes before you're ready to play, take a two hand warmers out of their wrappers and put them in your pockets. Once the warmers are hot hold one hand warmer in each palm and make fists.
2. Hold said fists shut and clench your first in three second intervals. I.e. Clench for five, relax for five, clench for five again, repeat.
3. Stretch each individual finger back from the palm, and then apart from the finger next to it. Repeat on both hands with two sets of this stretch on each hand. Set the hand warmer in between fingers and hold it there for twenty seconds. Put an emphasis on the time you hold it against your thumb, as this will be your most important tool during your game.
4. Shake your wrists out by dangling them by your hands and moving side to side.
5. With your forearm extended in front of you, pull back on your wrists by pressing against the fingers gently. Do the opposite of this by pressing down on your fingers.
6. Every hour, repeat the first clenching exercise with the hand warmer and follow that up by massaging the inside of your palm using your finger. For extra therapy, place the hand warmer in the palm of your hand and massage using that.
- Caroline Mayou

Hand Warmers For Gaming 0
As an avid rock climber, I was absolutely stunned when I went to a buddy from the gym's house only to find a myriad of other climbers sitting around watching videos of the latest League of Legends tournament. My friends who invest a ton of time in climbing and being outdoors also indulged in what some would consider the laziest sport in the world, gaming. As a marketer, I was absolutely blown away at the rise and incredible success of Esports. I too once considered myself a gamer- but a closet gamer. In my highschool days, I was an athlete on campus until I went home to meet my friends on WoW for a good ol' raid. Now, I like to occasionally binge-eat Captain Crunch while playing FIFA. "We go through phases as we grow," they say.
This side of gaming, however, isn't for the "recreational user". I talked to an awesome guy named Kyle Laffey today (owner of XMOTA) who told me that gaming is now as big as the NBA. I looked at my colleague who was on the call with me and gave him a smurk. That's impossible. Or is it? " The World Finals for league of Legends filled up Staples Center", he continued. Then I looked it up online and found the picture below...
eSports is now at a professional level, and it has been for years. It's all divided up by genres so there's something for everyone. If you're into first-person shooters, check out Counter Strike. Whether it's fighting games, MOBA's or strategy, the professional gaming world has it all. With Prize Pools of up to 20,770,640.00 USD (yes, you read that correctly), these dudes are willing to do whatever it takes to be the best. Being in front of a screen for so long is straining on the eyes so they'll go out and buy computer-specific eyewear. They'll be a mouse that's specific to gaming, sometimes even specific to the game they like to play most. Every serious gamer owns a headset, if not several- it's become one of the most important gaming accessories. And now, gamers are going as far as enhancing or even nurturing their physical well-being.
As soon as I got off the call with Kyle I retreated to my office desk and began searching. What I found was insane:
The above is a brief analysis of the monthly keyword searches surrounding eSports and gaming. What it doesn't depict, is the amount of growth that stands behind each keyword. We're dealing with an industry that grows its audience by 21 percent each year. In 2012, 58 million people were eSports enthusiasts. In 2013, that number grew to 74 million. In 2014, it was 89 million... and the growth continues. More people watched the League of Legends World Finals than they did the NBA Finals (27M vs. 15.5M).
With an audience like that, there's money that supports it. Which brings me back to the topic of preventative care, and performance enhancers- hand warmers. After I did my nerd search on numbers, I moved onto content. I found so many videos of gaming sessions that pictured hand warmers in the background. And after doing a little more reading on Reddit I found that gamers were using hand warmers for added dexterity. They warm their hands up before tournaments so that their tendons can take the quantity of movements their digits are about to make. I don't know about you guys, but when I used to play Super Smash as a kid, I would just tap on ANY button. Because any of the three buttons, was a guarantee that I would do something really gnarly to my opponent. But this is 2016 folks, and those moves are precise. So we've created a relaxed piece on using hand warmers in combination with finger stretches and we hope it helps you.
I'll end on this note. Moms (especially you hippie outdoor moms), if your kid wants to be a pro egamer, you tell him, "Absolutely!" Because he will sponsor your mortgage, your car payments, and your overall retirement with the amount of money he's going to make. Cheers, 2016!
- Caroline Mayou
- Tags: The Grom

Deer Hunting Seasons By State 0
Stalk Or Dog Hunting
Antlered Bucks
Zones A, B, and C: November 19 - January 15
Unantlered Deer (Privately Owned or Leased Land Only)
Zones A & B: November 19 - January 15
Zone C: November 19 - November 27 & December 23 - January 2
Unantlered Deer (Open Permit- Public Land)
Stalk Hunting (No Dogs)
Antlered Bucks
Zone A, B & C: January 16 - February 10
Unantlered Deer (Privately Owned or Leased Land Only)
Zones A & B: January 16 - February 10
Special Muzzeloader & Air Rifle
Privately Owned or Leased Land and National Forest Service Land - Stalk Hunting Only, No Dogs
Zones A, B & C: November 14 - November 18
Bow & Arrow & Spear
Stalk Hunting Only, No Dogs
Zones A & C, Either Sex: October 15 - February 10
Zone B, Antlered Buck Only: October 15 - October 24
Zone B, Either Sex: October 25 - February 10
Deer Seasons
General Season
August through December, dates vary greatly by area
The OTC Hunt Season Dates
Summer Velvet Bucks
August 21 - September 10
Pre-rut (Mule Deer)
December 11 - December 31
Rut (Mule Deer & Coues Deer)
January 1 - January 31
Spetember 24 - February 28
November 12 - December 25
October 15 - 23
December 10 - 19
Firearms, Private Land, Antlerless
October 29 - November 2
Youth Firearms Hunt
November 5 - 6
January 7 - 8
Zone A: July 9 - 31
Zone B: July 23 - September 11
Zone D: August 20 - September 25
General Season
Zone A: August 13 - September 25
Zone B: August 27 - October 23
Zone C: September 17 - October 23
Zone C: September 17 - October 23
Zone D: September 17 - November 6
August 27 - September 25
September 10 - September 18
Plains Muzzleloader
September 10 - 18
Plains Rifle
October 29 - November 8
Deer Seasons- Bowhunting
Private Land (Zones 11-12): January 1 - 31
Private Land (All Zones): September 15 - December 31
State Land Bowhunting Only Areas: September 15 - December 31
State Land: September 15 - November 15, December 21 - 31
Archery- Only Controlled Hunt Lottery: September 15 - November 15
Deer Seasons- Rifle/Shotgun
Shotgun-No Lottery "A" Season: State Control Areas: November 16 - 25
Shotgun- No Lottery "B" Season": State Controlled Areas: November 26 - December 6
Shotgun/Rifle- Lottery "A" Season: State Land and Controlled Hunt: November 16 - 25
Shotgun/Rifle- Lottery "B" Season: State Land and Controlled Hunt: November 26 - December 6
Shotgun/Rifle: Private Lands: November 16 - December 6
Shotgun/Rifle: Landowner: November 1 - December 31
Deer Seasons- Muzzleloader
Private Land: December 7 - 31
State Land: December 7 - 20
Archery & Crossbow
September 1 - January 31
October 7- 15
January 23 - 28
November 11- 10
January 14 -21
January 7 - 14
Special Antlerless
October. 1, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31. December 10 - 17
Youth and Disability Hunt
November 5
Zone A: July 30 - August 28
Zone B: October 15 - November 13
Zone C: September 17 - October 16
Zone D: October 22 - November 23
Zone A: July 30 - September 2
Zone B: October 15 - November 14
Zone C: September 17 - October 16
Zone D: October 22 - November 23
Zone A: September 3 - 16
Zone B: November 19 - December 2
Zone C: October 22 - November 4
Zone D: December 3 - 9; February 20 - 26
Zone A: September 17 - October 16; November 19 - January 1
Zone B: December 3 - February 19
Zone C: November 5 - January 22
Zone D: November 24 - 27; December 10 - February 19
Archery- Bucks & Does Statewide
September 10 - January 8
Extended Archery- Bucks & Does Clayton, Cobb, Dekalb, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett & Rockdale Counties
September 10 - January 31
Primitive Weapons
October 15 - January 8
October 22 - January 8* Permits are required for deer hunting. Only 7,500 permits are issued. Specialty hunts, such as the disability hunting season, require permits. Nonresident junior hunters are not allowed to hunt during the youth hunting season.
** Some counties have special regulations regarding the use of firearms and what is considered a legal deer.
Island of Kauai
Black-tailed Deer: Year Round
Island of Lanai
Axis Deer: Mid- February through Mid- May
First weekend in March (Youth Hunt)
* Some units or regions on the island limit hunting to particular dates and hunting methods. To ensure you hunt legally, visit the Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife website.
General Deer Season
October 10 - December 1
* Dates vary greatly by region and type of animal since Idaho relies on wildlife management units to control hunting and populations.
Illinois offers online hunting permit registration and purchase, and permits are available for state residents and nonresidents.Archery
October 1 - January 15
December 1 - 4
December 9 - 11
November 18 - 20
December 1 - 4
Antlerless Deer/Special CWD Season
December 29 - January 1
January 13 - 15
Youth Hunt, Firearms
October 10 - 12
November 20 - 22
* Season may vary by county. For more on hunting in a specific region, visit the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Website.
Reduction Hunt (Formerly Called Urban Hunt)
September 15 - January 31
Youth Hunt
September 24 - 25
October 1 - January 1
November 12 - 27
December 3 - 19
Antlerless Special Season
December 26 - January 1
* Deer bag limits vary by region, season and license. Licenses for deer harvest are required. Be sure to visit the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to obtain a license and additional information before heading into the woods.
Youth Season: September 17 - October 2
Disabled Hunter Season: September 17 - October 2
Early Muzzleloader: October 15 - 23
Muzzleloader: December 19 - January 10
Regular Gun Season 1: December 3 - 7
Regular Gun Season 2: December 10 - 18
Non-Resident Holiday Season: December 24 - January 2
* Deer hunters are required to purchase permits for each deer collected.
Archery: September 12- December 31
General Youth & Disabled Hunt: September 3 - 11
Muzzleloader: September 12 -25
Pre-Rut Antlerless Deer: October 8 - 9
General Firearms: November 30 - December 11
Whitetail Antlerless Only- Firearms: January 1 - 15
Whitetail Antlerless Only- Archery: January 16 - 31
* Whitetail only seasons can vary in length by unit
Archery: September 3 - January 16
Crossbow: October 1 - 16, November 12 - December 31
Early Muzzleloader: October 15 - 16, December 10 - 18*
Firearms: November 12- 27
Youth Only Firearms: October 8 - 9
Free Youth Weekend: December 31 - January 1
* Some season dates and regulations may vary by zone. Be sure to visit the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources website for more information.
Area 1
Archery: October 1 - January 31
Muzzleloader: November 12 - 18, January 23 - 31
Firearms (No Dogs): November 10 - December 9, January 9 - 22
Firearms (Dogs): December 10 - January 8
Area 2
Archery: October 1 - January 31
Muzzleloader: October 22 - 28, January 16 -22
Firearms (No Dogs): October 29 - December 7
Firearms (Dogs): December 8 - January 15
Area 3
Archery: September 19 - January 15
Muzzleloader: October 8 - 14, November 28 - December 2
Firearms (No Dogs): October 15 - November 27, December 4 - January 8
Firearms (Dogs): N/A
Area 4
Archery: October 1 - January 31
Muzzleloader: (Bucks Only) January 30 - 31 (All Deer) November 12 - 18, January 23- 29
Firearms (No Dogs): (Bucks Only) November 21 - 24 November 28 - December 2, December 5 - 9, January 9 -13, January 16 - 20 (All Deer) November 19 - 20, November 25 -27, December 3 - 4, January 14- 15, January 21 - 22
Area 5
* Archery: (Bucks Only) October 1 - 15 (All Deer) October 16 - February 15
Muzzleloader: (Bucks Only) November 12 - 18, January 30 -31 (All Deer) January 23 - 29
Firearms (No Dogs): (Bucks Only) November 19 - 24, November 28 - December 9 (All Deer) November 25 -27
Firearms (Dogs): (Bucks Only) December 12 - 30, January 2 - 13, January 16 -22 (All Deer), December 10 - 11, December 31 - January 1, January 14 -15
Area 6
Archery: (Bucks Only) October 1 - 15 (All Deer): October 16 - February 15
Muzzleloader: November 12- 18, January 23 - 31
Firearms (No Dogs): November 19 - December 9
Firearms (Dogs): December 10 - January 22
Resident Only Day: October 29
Youth Deer Day: October 22
Firearms: October 31 - November 26
Archery: September 29 - October 28
Muzzleloader: November 28 - December 3* December 5 - 10
Expanded Archery: September 10 - December 10*
* Deer season hunting requires deer permits. This is only for designated areas. For more information about legal hunting in specific areas of Maine, visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website.
Antlered Deer- Whitetail
Archery: September 9 - October 19, October 23 - November 25, December 12 - 16, January 2 - 5, January 9 - 31 (Region A Only) January 6 - 7
Muzzleloader: October 20 - 22, December 17 - 31
Firearms: November 25 - December 10 (Region B Only) January 6 -8
Antlerless Deer-Whitetail
Archery: (Region A) September 9 - October 19, October 20 -22, December 29 - 31 (Region A- Public Land) December 31 (Region B) October 20 - 29 December 17 -31
Muzzleloader: (Region- Private Land) October 20 - 22, December 29 - 31 (Region A - Public Land) December 31 (Region B) October 20 -29, December 17 - 31
Firearms: (Region A- Private Land) December 9 - 10 (Region A- DNR Public Land) December 10 (Region B) November 26 - December 10, January 6 -9
Archery: October 17 - November 26
Shotgun: November 28 - December 10
Primitive Firearms: December 12 - 31
Youth Hunt: October 1
Paraplegic Hunt: November 3 - 5
Early Antlerless, Firearms: September 17 - 18
Liberty Hunt: September 17 - 18
Independence Hunt: October 13- 16
Archery: October 1 - November 14, December 1 - January 1
Regular Firearm: November 15 -30
Muzzleloader: December 2 - 18*
Late Antlerless, Firearms: December 19 - January 1
* Dates vary by zone.
Archery: September 17 - December 31
Firearms 1A: November 5 - 20
Firearms 2A, 3A: November 5 - 13
Firearms 3B: November 19 - 27
Muzzleloader: November 26 - December 11
Youth Hunt: October 20 - 21
Licenses can be purchased from a Department of Natural Resources agent, the department's office in St. Paul, over the phone or online.
Mississippi is divided into three regions, especially for deer seasons: Delta (western Mississippi) Hill (middle Mississippi) and Southeast.
(Hill) October 1 - November 18
(Southeast) October 15 - November 18
(Delta) October 1 - November 18
Youth Gun
November 5 - January 31
(Hill-Dogs) November 19 - December, December 24 - January 18
(Southeast-Dogs) November 19 - December 1, December 24 - January 18
(Delta- Dogs) November 19 - December 1, December 24 - January 18
(All Zones- Dogs) December 16 - 23
Primitive Weapon
(Hill) November 7 - 18, December 2 - 15
(Southeast) December 2 - 15
(Delta) December 2 - 15, January 19 - 31
Primitive Weapon/ Archery
(Hill) January 19 - 31
(Southeast) January 19 -31, February 1 - 15
Archery: September 15 - November 11 / November 23 - January 15
Firearms- Antlerless: December 2 - 4
Firearms- Main Season: November 12 - 22
Firearms- Alternative Methods: December 24 - January 3
Youth Firearms Hunt: October 29 - 30, November 25 - 27
Archery: September 3 - Otober 16
Youth Hunt: October 20 - 21
Firearms: October 22 - November 27
Backcountry, Archery: September 3 - 14
Backcountry, Firearms: September 15 - November 27
Archery: September 1 - December 31
Muzzleloader: December 1 - 31
Firearms: November 12 - 20, January 1 - 15 (Antlerless Only)
Mule Deer Seasons
General Season: Aug. 10 - September 9*
September 10 - September 30*
October 5 - November 2*
Antlerless Season: September 17 - November 20 *
Antlered Season: October 5 - November 30*
* Opening and closing season dates vary in some regions.
New Hampshire
September 15 - December 15
October 29 - November 8
November 8 - December 4
Youth Hunt
October 25 - 26
* Firearms season closes early in some areas. For more information about hunting in New Hampshire's wildlife management units, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game website. Source:
New Jersey
(Early Zones Only) September 10
(Statewide) October 1
(Permit Only) October 29
(Winter Hunt) January 1
Youth Archery
September 24
Youth Firearm
November 19
December 5 - 10
New Jersey regulates deer hunting by zone. For more information on relevant regulations in your zone, visit the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife website.
New Mexico
General Season
October 15 - November 27*
Archery Only
September 1 - 24
Muzzleloader or Archery
September 27 - October 3
New York
Archery & Crossbow
September 27 - December 20*
Regular Firearms
October 1 - January 31*
October 15 - December 20*
Special Firearms
For Suffolk County only, January 1 - 31; special permit required.
North Carolina
Youth Deer Hunting Day
September 24
Eastern Deer Season
Archery: Septermber 10 - 30
Blackpowder: October 1 - 14
Gun: November 12 - January 2
Central Deer Season
Archery: September 10 - October 28
Blackpowder: October 29 - November 11
Gun: November 12 - January 2
Northwestern Deer Season
Archery: September 10 - November 4
Blackpowder: November 5 - 18
Gun: November 19 - January 2
Western Deer Season
Gun: November 21 - December 10
North Dakota
White-tailed & Mule Deer Seasons
Bow Season: September 2 - January 8
Gun Season: November 4 - 20
Muzzleloader Season: November 25 - December 11
Youth Season: September 16 - 25
before heading out on your North Dakota hunt, be sure to visit the Game and Fish Department website for more details regarding licenses, regulations and permits.
September 24 - February 5
Youth Firearms
November 19 - 20
November 28 - December 4
December 17 - 18
January 7 - 10
Individual Ohio counties have bag limits; counties may have two, three or four deer limits. Be sure to visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for additional bagging information
October 1 - January 15
Youth Hunt Firearm
October 14 - 16
October 22 - 30
November 19 - December 4
Holiday Antlerless Firearm
December 16 - 25
Archery Season
August 27 - September 25
Novemebr 12 - December 11
General Muzzleloader Season
August 27 - September 25*
General Firearms Season
October 1 - October 30*
Youth Controlled Hunt Seasons
August 27 - 30*
Buck Deer Seasons
October 1 - November 4
* Seasons dates vary greatly in some regions of the state based on specific hunting units. Many of Oregon's deer seasons are controlled hunt seasons, which require specialty permits.
Archery & Crossbow
(Statewide) October 1 - November 12, December 26 - January 14
(Specific Areas): November 28 - December 3* Muzzleloading
October 15 - December 20*
(Statewide) December 26 - January 14
(Specific Areas) December 26 - January 28*
Extended Regular Firearms, Antlerless
December 26 - January 28
Military Bases, Antlerless
As determined by U.S. Army
* Additional hunting dates separate from the statewide hunting season are available in countless areas across the state. For more information on hunting within your region or in another area, visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission website. Source:
Rhode Island
September 10 - 11
September 15 - January 31
October 1 - October 4
October 29 - 30
November 5 - November 27
December 26 - January 2
December 3 - December 18
December 26 - January 2
South Carolina
Zone 1
Primitive Weapons: October 1 - 10
Archery: October 17 - 29
p Gun Hunts: October 11 - 15, October 31 - December 31
Zone 2
Primitve Weapons: October 1 - 10
Archery: September 15 - 30
Gun Hunts: October 11 - December 31
Zone 3
Archery: September 15 - 30
Gun Hunts: October 1 - December 31
Zone 4
Archery: September 15 - October 10
Gun Hunts: October 11 - December 31
South Dakota
September 24 - December 31
December 1 - 31 any deer
December 1 - January 15 antlerless
Youth Hunt
September 10 - January 15
November 1 - January 8
* Deer firearms season dates vary greatly throughout South Dakota depending on region. Find specific hunting dates and regional requirements at the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks website.
Archery (Includes Crossbow)
September 24 - October 28
October 31 - November 4
Muzzleloader & Archery
November 5 - 18
Gun, Muzzleloader & Archery
November 19 - January 8
Young Sportsman
October 29 - 30
January 14 - 15
Tennessee deer seasons are managed by hunting units. Specific season dates may vary per each region. For more info, visit the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website.
October 1 - November 4
November 5 - January 15
January 5 - 18
Special late Season
January 2 - 29
Youth Hunt
October 29 - 30
January 2 - 15
August 20 - September 16
September 28 - October 6
October 22 - 30
Special Late Season
January 2 - 29
October 1 - 28
December 3 - 11
Youth Weekend
November 5 - 6
November 12 - 27
December 3 -11
December 3 - 11
Youth & Apprentice
September 24 - 25
Early Archery
October 1 - November 18
December 1 - January 7
Urban Archery
September 3 - 30
January 8 - March 26
Early Muzzleloader
November 5 - 18
Late Muzzleloader
December 17 - January 7
November 19 - January 7
Season dates vary by region. For more information on hunting dates in your region, visit the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries website.
- Caroline Mayou
- Tags: Hunter's Corner